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 Wednesday  |  02.12.2025
Photo Gallery - Pictures of Setups 

Pictures of Setups:

APU768 + 2x BPA768

APU768 + 2x DAC768

Other Components:

SACD-DVD-CD-Player: Sony DVP-NS900V
Digital-Sat-Receiver: Topfield TF4000PVR
Plasma-Display: Hitachi CMP4121HDE

Other Components:

Turn Table: Clearaudio Anniversary with Master TQ-I
SACD-DVD-CD-Player: Sony DVP-NS900V
Digital-Sat-Receiver: Topfield TF4000PVR

APU768 with CD-Spieler + 3x BPA768-484 with Ascendo "M" in Tri-Amping-Mode

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