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 Mittwoch  |  12.02.2025
TWBAS 2009 

Einführung zum "TWBAS 2009" von Jeff Fritz

Nur in Englisch verfügbar.

On March 13-15 the SoundStage! Network hosted seven companies in an historic audio event: assembling The World’s Best Audio System 2009 (TWBAS 2009). The event itself was planned over a five-month period and came to fruition in my home, in Coastal North Carolina. Behold, Blue Smoke Entertainment Systems, Crystal Cable, Harmonic Resolution Systems, Laufer Teknik, Rockport Technologies, and Shunyata Research brought their best wares, the SoundStage! Network flew-in their writers, editors, and publisher, and a wonderful weekend of music and camaraderie ensued. But the weekend was only the beginning. ...

The SoundStage! Network has been publishing online since 1995. Over that time we’ve worked tirelessly to build a family of websites that comprehensively covers the high-end-audio industry. TWBAS 2009 provided an exclusive event, planned and hosted by us, and covered by us in an unprecedented manner. In fact, the event was not public, but private, set up exclusively for us to cover in the pages of our publications. Below you’ll find the links to a series off articles totaling over 10,000 words, galleries of photos totaling over 120 shots, and there’s even more to come: a series of videos highlighting the companies that participated in TWBAS 2009.
The goal of our coverage is simple: to promote an event by promoting the companies that made it all possible. And TWBAS 2009 was by all accounts a great success. An excerpt:

The search for TWBAS 2009’s participant components began with a post on the "Ultra Hi-End HT Gear ($20,000+)" section of the AV Science Forum that read, in part: "I’m in the planning stages now and would like to solicit opinions on what system, if you were me, you’d like to hear. The sky’s the limit." To date, the thread has had over 64,000 views and 1100 responses.
To put it mildly, the response from the public has been tremendous, as evidenced by the number of emails I’ve received and the message-board discussions like the one linked-in above. The response from those in the industry has been equally supportive -- it seems many manufacturers are tired of hotel-room shows where their equipment is crammed into spaces never designed to showcase high-end audio. That’s all about to change. Consider this the official announcement of The Worlds Best Audio System 2010, in the planning stages now. This show will feature several industry firsts: it will be held on an exclusive island in surroundings the likes of which have never been seen before in an audio event. It will generate a massive wave of press unequalled by any audio publication in the history of high-end audio. More details will be forthcoming on that!

For now, sit back, relax, and please enjoy the coverage of The World’s Best Audio System 2009, only from The SoundStage! Network.


Foto Gallerien

TWBAS2009 The Arrival - 2.1MB TWBAS2009 The Event - 2.4MB

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