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Press - 2004 - 

Extract from the ShowStoppers Press Report High End 2004:


Ballmann Electronica's Behold APU768 is an all-digital, modular preamplifier that is configurable in nearly countless ways. In its basic setup, which includes a 192kHz DAC and a digital-output module, the price is 14,980 €. More full-featured configurations recommended by the manufacturer bring the price up to 41,050 €. Some of the unique features available to Behold users include...

...a 768kHz analog-to-digital converter (5720 €, which includes the ADC above, the MCK768 master clock, and the SDI768 phono-input module for the preamplifier), which feeds an all-digital signal to the Behold APU768 preamp.


Furthermore, because the cartridge's analog signal has been converted to digital, the company also offers software for phono equalization that can be customized with a Windows-based PC.


Link to the Original Press Report

Finally, the digital signal is routed out of the preamplifier and fed into the Behold BPA768-484 power amplifier (25,000 €, featured in our Daily Coverage) using a 50-ohm transmission cable -- it's inside the amplifier that the conversion from digital to analog finally occurs. Interestingly, the same goes for the volume attenuation. While the volume is changed from the preamplifier, the actual attenuation is done inside the power amplifier in the analog domain, and the company says there is absolutely no loss of resolution whatsoever, which is not the case with digital volume controls.

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